About Us
The Bristol Live website and Bristol Post daily newspaper cover Bristol and the wider Bristol, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset and North East Somerset area.
The Post was founded in 1932 amid local outrage that big national newspaper groups were trying to carve up the fast-growing evening newspaper market in Bristol.
Local journalists and business figures got together and the Bristol Evening Post was born.
It was the proud boast of the time that all the original directors had Bristol addresses.
The new paper was bright and breezy and the goodwill behind it fought off the better-resourced Bristol Evening World. The Post later absorbed its rival.
The Bristol Post won Daily Newspaper of the Year at the EDF Energy Awards for the South West region in 2015.
The maintenance of high editorial standards is at the core of Bristol Live's philosophy.
Reach PLC, the parent company of Bristol Live and the Bristol Post, is a member of and is regulated by IPSO, the Independent Press Standards Organisation.
Our journalists work according to The Editors’ Code of Practice, which sets the benchmark for ethical standards in journalism and is enforced by IPSO. On joining, all editorial staff complete a training course in the Code and have legal refresher training.
We recognise that protecting the rights of the individual consistently comes into conflict with the public’s right to know. This means we have to make difficult judgements, sometimes quickly, which are impossible to get right all of the time.
Regular bulletins and seminars give staff the best opportunity to learn from mistakes, whether our own or those of other parts of the media industry.
We are part of The Trust Project, an international initiative to make it easier for readers to find out more about the organisations and the people providing them with news, and to support quality journalism.
We expect our staff to use their best endeavours to verify the stories being put forward for publication.
Got a story? All the details you’ll need to contact the Newsdesk can be found here.
For advertising queries about our website or in our newspapers see our list of commercial contacts here.