The weather over the Easter weekend of 1934 was disappointing, but things otherwise turned out very satisfactorily. For the first Easter Sunday in many years there were no road accidents in Bristol.
It was thought that some of this might be thanks to the large national “Safety First” campaign, a feature of the inter-war years in which adults and children were taught about road safety.
The other reason for so few accidents, of course, was that because of the weather more people just stayed at home. The number of arrivals by train in Weston-super-Mare was a mere 4,500, compared with three times that figure the previous Easter.
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The weather wasn’t that bad all weekend. There was plenty of sunshine in between the clouds and showers, it’s just that there was a cold easterly wind a lot of the time.
What did people do? They took the trains to Weston, Clevedon, Burnham-on-Sea and Severn Beach, or arrived on foot or by motorcycle or, for a lucky few, by car.
In Bristol P&A Campbell’s steamers did a good business taking day trippers to various points around the Bristol Channel. Bristolians who didn’t fancy venturing too far from home went to the usual spots – the Downs, the parks, Blaise Castle, Hanham Woods and so on.
But many preferred to keep out of the cold. The Museum & Art Gallery had three times the number of visitors on the previous Easter, and all the cinemas were packed.
And as always, there was the zoo. The zoo did a particularly brisk trade that weekend. The star attraction would normally have been Alfred the Gorilla but this time it was a single rhesus monkey called Percy.
Percy was now a national celebrity, so much so that he had a special cage all to himself so that the curious visitor would be in no doubt as to who they were looking at. Percy was a star because for a few brief, heady days he had tasted sweet freedom. Now he was back in captivity, though we have no idea how he felt about it.
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On Saturday March 24 1934 the famed “Monkey Temple” at the zoo had been due for its quarterly cleaning. This was a routine operation for which they would temporarily be moved elsewhere. They were being transported in large boxes when, so the story goes, the responsible keeper had a sneezing fit.
Some 12 of the monkeys took advantage of his brief distraction to make their escape, some scaling the walls and others climbing a cedar tree inside the wall and jumping to a lime tree on the other side. From here most took up post in various trees in the neighbourhood, and there they remained. Keepers tried to tempt them down with bananas and swore at them. Press photographers tried bananas and pine cones.
The following day, a Sunday, large crowds of amused onlookers gathered to watch the fun as ten of the 12 were recaptured. This was done by laying a trail of pieces of what reports call “currant cake” (it would be nice to think they were talking about hot cross buns, but we can’t be certain). The animals were tempted by a trail of cake which led directly to a glasshouse next to the Temple. Once they were inside, the doors were closed.
Two, however, remained at large. On the Monday one of them went in through the window of a dormitory at Poole’s House, Clifton College. Here the young scholars, future leaders of the country, future fearless army officers and proconsuls of the Great British Empire On Which The Sun Never Sets, were terrified of a small monkey which is generally harmless and would come off much worse in single combat with a domestic cat.
The House Master summoned the head keeper and, with another master, succeeded in cornering the escapee. Percy, the last one to hold out, spent much of his time perched on a rooftop on Pembroke Road. Patience had to be used here. Some bananas were left on show through an open window. Percy couldn’t resist. Percy entered the room, and the window was closed behind him as keepers with a net closed in.
And so ended a tale which had been all over the newspapers, and which did the zoo’s business a power of good the following weekend, and saw Percy being gawked at and fussed over in his own special cage, as though he were some simian Hannibal Lecter. Whether he lapped it up, or dreamed of freedom once more we’ll never know.
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