Entertaining the kids and keeping their brains busy is becoming more and more of a challenge for mums and dads in lockdown.
We’ve all spent the last nine weeks trying to be creative and find new ways to homeschool.
Setting a quiz for your own kids, or even inviting their friends and classmates to join in via Zoom, is a great way to keep them entertained.
So we’ve created a lockdown quiz for kids full of general knowledge, geography, animal and music questions for you to test them.
We’ve aimed the quiz at primary school kids, aged 4 to 11, but there’s a few tricky questions in there that even the grown ups might struggle with.
Give it a go and let us know how you get on.
Chipper Club

The Chipper Club was originally created between the wars to entertain children and has been reinvented for a generation of kids in lockdown.
Each week Chipper sets a new challenge, incorporating the club’s traditional themes of friendship, helping and obeying their parents, imparting a cheerful spirit and being kind to animals.
For each weekly challenge, we ask parents to submit a photo of their children’s work - all of which will appear online at www.inyourarea.co.uk and in your local paper.
At the end of lockdown, all Chipper Club members will receive a certificate, with a special reward for those who’ve finished every Chipper Challenge.
This week, Chipper is hosting his own Facebook Live Lockdown Quiz for Kids on Wednesday, May 20 at 2pm.
To sign your child up to the Chipper Club and get full details of how to submit this week’s project, all you need to do is fill in the form below or at this link. And head to the Chipper Club Facebook group to join the quiz.
General knowledge questions
What’s the orange bit in the middle of the egg called?
What’s the collective name for trees that keep their leaves all year round
What football team is currently at the top of the Premier League?
What is the 10th letter of the alphabet?
Who is the nation’s PE teacher?
How many zeros are there in one thousand?
Who wrote the Harry Potter books?
Who is the Prime Minister of Britain?
What is closer to earth, the moon or the sun?
Which travels faster, light or sound?
Who is the fastest 100m runner in the world ever?
What’s the name of Anna and Elsa’s kingdom in Frozen?
How many wives did Henry VIII have?
What’s the name of the cowboy in Toy Story?
Who wrote the Gruffalo, Room on the Broom and Tiddler?
What type of fish is Nemo?
What is the chemical formula for water?
How many planets are in our solar system?
Who was behind the Gunpowder Plot on the Houses of Parliament in 1605 - remembered every year on Bonfire Night?
How many players are in a football team?
Animal questions
21. What’s the fastest land animal?
22. What’s the biggest animal in the ocean?
23. What’s the only poisonous snake native to the uk?
24. How many lives does a cat have?
25. What do you call a baby kangaroo?
26. Do polar bears live in the arctic or the Antarctic?
27. What do you call a group of sheep?
28. How many legs does a spider have?
29. Is a koala a real bear?
30. What’s the tallest animal in the world?
31. What kind of animal is Shere Khan in the jungle book?
32. What is an alicorn?
33. How many horns did a triceratops have?
34. What bird, with a distinctive call heard at the start of summer in the UK, is famous for stealing other birds’ nests?
35. What’s the name of the Downing Street cat?
36. Nala and Simba are what kind of animal?
37. What type of dog is Marshall from Paw Patrol?
38. How many brains does an octopus have?
39. What’s the slowest animal in the world?
40. A group of which species is known as a Parliament?
Geography questions
41. What is the biggest ocean in the world? (Pacific)
42. What animal is in the Welsh flag? (Dragon)
43. How many continents are there in the world? (7)
44. What’s the tallest mountain in the world? (Everest)
45. The Grand Canyon is found in which country? (USA)
46. Which country is famous for its canals, coliseum and making pasta? (Italy)
47. In which continent will you find the Amazon rainforest? (South America)
48. What historic wall runs along the border between England and Scotland? (Hadrian wall)
49. What’s the name of the river that flows through London? (River Thames)
50. Which country is home to the Eiffel Tower and Disneyland? (France)
51. Name the smallest country in the world (Vatican City)
52. What colours are in the Union flag of Great Britain? (Red, white and blue)
53. What’s the capital city of Spain?
54. Name the only island in the world where lemurs live (Madagascar)
55. What country are the Pyramids in? (Egypt)
56. What country was due to host the Olympics in 2020? (Japan)
57. In what county in England is Land’s End? (Cornwall)
58. What’s the highest mountain in the world? (Mount Everest)
59. Name two countries in Central America (Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua)
60. Which country invented tea? (China)
Music questions
61. Who sings Shotgun? (George Ezra)
62. John, Paul, George and Ringo were members of which band? (The Beatles)
63. What’s the missing word in this song line - ‘I love it when you call me --- I wish I could pretend I didn’t need ya’ (Senorita)
64. What was Elsa’s song called in the first Frozen film? (Let it Go)
65. Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson were members of which group? (One Direction)
66. What are Justin Bieber fans called? (Beliebers)
67. Who sang Shake It Off? (Taylor Swift)
68. How many different words are there in the Baby Shark song? (18)
69. What animal is in the title of the 2019 Tones and I song with the lyrics - ‘Dance for me, dance for me, dance for me, oh oh oh’
70. What song is sung more than any other in the world?
Liverpool FC
Joe Wicks
JK Rowling
Boris Johnson
Usain Bolt
Julia Donaldson
Guy Fawkes
Blue whale
Adder or viper
No, it’s a marsupial
Winged unicorn
South America
Hadrian’s Wall
River Thames
Vatican City
Red, white and blue
Mexico, El Salvador, Panama, Belize, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua
George Ezra
The Beatles
Let it Go
One Direction
Taylor Swift
Happy Birthday